To watch some of the above-mentioned incidents, including the one related to Nova Patra, you can look at the video posted below. Soon, however, she bent down in front of the computer to pick up her cat, and noticed that the stream had been live for quite some time. In 2019, she forgot to turn off her stream, and viewers could see a room full of her friends just hanging out. In the past, she has been involved in quite a few controversies and has lost her calm on stream multiple times. Pokimane is one of the most popular female streamers around.
You can watch the incident in the video below. He can even be seen getting up and switching off the stream towards the end. He ended up streaming himself for around ten minutes, after which a friend of his called him. In the video that you can see below, his cat ended up accidentally switching on his live stream while he was sleeping. Detailed Twitch statistics of novapatra Followers, viewers and subs stats, personal info, streaming gear, played games, Twitch emotes and more. OMGchad, whose real name is Chad Johnson, is primarily a Minecraft streamer with around 50k followers on his Twitch account and a further 117k subscribers on YouTube. Around five minutes later, he returns shirtless, and switches the stream off.